Akademi Kepolisian (Akpol) menerima hibah kendaraan olah Tempat Kejadian Perkara (TKP) beserta kelengkapannya dari Pusat Laboratorium Forensik dan Identifikasi Kriminal (Pusinafis) Bareskrim Polri.
Acara serah terima hibah tersebut dilaksanankan di ruang rapat Gedung SIAK Akademi Kepolisian.
Gubernur Akademi Kepolisian Irjen Pol. Drs. Suroto, M.Si, secara simbolis menerima kunci kendaraan yang diserahkan oleh Kapusinafis Bareskrim Polri Brigjen Pol Mashudi, S.I.K, S.H., M.H.
Kendaraan olah TKP ini dilengkapi dengan peralatan dan perlengkapan forensik modern yang dapat membantu dalam mengumpulkan bukti di tempat kejadian perkara. Hal ini diharapkan dapat memperkuat kapasitas Akpol sebagai kawah Chandradimuka dalam mendidik generasi penerus Polri, sehingga diharapkan para Taruna siap dan berpengalaman sebelum terjun ke lapangan dalam melaksanakan penyelidikan kasus kriminal menggunakan peralatan modern yang dimiliki oleh Polri.
Dalam sambutannya Gubernur Akademi Kepolisian menyampaikan terima kasih dan apresiasi setinggi tingginya atas hibah yang diberikan oleh Pusinafis Bareskrim Polri. beliau juga menegaskan bahwa kendaraan dan peralatan olah TKP ini akan digunakan sebaik mungkin untuk kepentingan pendidikan para generasi penerus Polri di Akademi Kepolisian .
Diharapkan dengan adanya hibah kendaraan olah TKP beserta kelengkapannya ini, dapat memperkuat posisi Akpol sebagai institusi pendidikan Polri yang modern di Indonesia.

Indonesian Police Academy (Akpol) held a socialization meeting on the declaration of the integrity zone from the Corruption Free Area (WBK) to the Clean Serving Bureaucracy Area (WBBM). Held in the meeting room of the Manunggal building, the event was attended by a number of Police Academy officials, as well as all integrity zone working group team.

Acting as the leader of the meeting, Head of Planning and Administration Department, Police Sr. Superintendent Eko Suprihanto, S.H., S.I.K., M.H.  stated the importance of efforts and strategies in achieving WBBM, the target of the Police Academy. “We will carry on with the programs and activities supporting us towards WBBM, and we will develop new innovations that will support and strengthen us towards WBBM,” he said.

The socialization meeting was also filled with discussion and question and answer sessions among participants who were the working team of the Police Academy Integrity Zone. Several questions were raised by the participants regarding the process and innovation that would be carried out in achieving WBBM at Akpol.

It is hoped that with this socialization meeting, all related parties can synergize and work together to achieve the desired WBBM. This is expected to strengthen integrity, transparency, accountability and good service at the Police Academy and create a better and more professional work environment within work units of Police Academy.


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